School Counseling

Available at various Catholic grade schools within the Diocese, Catholic Charities school counseling program provides quality services to students who may struggle with the social, emotional and academic challenges they encouter day to day in school. Working collaboratively with teachers, administrators and parents, our counselors meet with the students to develop skills and strategies to achieve their specific goals, and to promote their successful functioning throughout the day.

Some of the challenges our counselors work to help students address are:



Decision Making



Relationship Problems

Adjustment to losses, parental separation


Conflict Resolution

Study Skills

Time Management


Executive Functions

School Avoidance/Refusal

Assertive Communication

At times, issues and difficulties beyond the school milieu indicate a need for an alternate or higher level of care;  In these instances, counselors work to facilitate referrals to other specialized community providers and to coordinate what services a student may continue to receive at school.

To see how Catholic Charities school counselors can help your student, please feel free to contact us.

Catholic Charities School Counseling
 (779) 210-8698
[email protected]