Post-Adoption Search

Adoption Search

Catholic Charities Post Adoption Search Program provides services to all those who have adopted, placed a child for adoption or been adopted through our agency.  These services can help meet the concerns and interests of adoptive parents, adult adoptees, and birth parents, as well as other extended members of these families. For Catholic Charities to provide assistance, the adoption must have taken place through the agency.  Post Adoption Services are provided in accordance with applicable laws on confidentiality and privacy.

The services provided through Adoption Search include:  

  • Preparing an adoption history report of non-identifying information.
  • Conducting a full search to locate birth parents or adoptees.
  • Updating the file with locating information.
  • Counseling for those involved in an adoption plan made at the time of the adoption.
  • Information and assistance regarding registration with the Illinois Adoption Registry.

Fees and services are as follow:   

  • Non-Identifying Information Report – $75
  • Full Search Fee – $150
  • Non-Identifying Report and a Full Search combined fees – $175
  • Updating the file with locating information – no charge.

In accordance with Illinois Adoption Act, prior to starting a search, the individual must be registered with the Illinois Adoption Registry. Catholic Charities will assist any adoptee, adoptive parent, birth parent or sibling with registration. Information on this state-sponsored service can be obtained by visiting their website at

To request a Non-Certified copy of an original birth certificate, please contact or you may reach them at 925 E. Ridgely Ave., Springfield, IL 62702, 217-557-5159.

If you have been adopted through the foster care system, you may contact the Midwest Adoption Center for assistance at or by calling 800-526-9022

For more information, please contact Richard Parsons at
779-210-8698 or [email protected]